Saturday, May 14, 2005

Day, um, Thirty-Something

Seems blogging isn't for me, seeing as I suck at it! I just don't remember this place actually exists. Is that wrong?
So I'm at work right now. Surfing the Gilly message board, having a heck of a time trying to get someone to talk to me. I thought it would be easier than this to make friends, I have almost fifty posts. I don't think anyone has realized I'm there yet honestly.
I never have been very good at making friends though. My problem is that I don't talk to other people well unless I know them. I'm always afraid they're going to hate me! Which of course won't happen, but you never know, as soom as I find someone to be my friend I usually annoy them to death by actually talking to them. Crazy how the world works.
I can't wait to go on the Spain trip, but there's a little thing called money in my way. You see, I'm poor. I'll admit it. That said, I have to somehow raise fifty dollars a week for the next year (basically my whole paycheck) because this trip is something like $2,879 to go on. It's through my Spanish class at school. I'm going though, there's no doubt about that. I'd regret it forever if I didn't .
Since I was here last, my math homework has not gotten done, I haven't made friends, I haven't made much money. I forgot about Mother's Days, so I gave my mom $80 to pay for part of a new grill. I kind of feel like I took the cheater's way out by just paying her money.
I never got anything from my uncle or my father for my birthday. Would that piss you off? Cuz it did me.
I have to go work now. Imagine that, working at work. Crazy, ain't it?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Day One

So there it is. I am quite possibly one of the most boring people you will ever meet. Or that's what I think, anyway.
My name shall remain...undisclosed. Which probably isn't important considering no one will ever read this. I don't think they will. Or if they do, I don't want anyone coming to my house raping me. Enough said.
I'm in my teens, I have a twin sister, I am FEMALE, and I can't just like something. I have to obsess over it, hence the link name. I've never had a blog before, so I'm hoping this is a place where I can vent my love for Cher and the X-Files and Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. Daily. Or semi-daily. Or once in a while. When I remember.
As you can probably tell, I am obsessed with, um, yeah, those things I already said. I can't get enough of any of them. In fact, David Duchovny is on T.V. tonight and I am taping it. Rock on me.

So on to my day. It's been crap. I have a huge project due tomorrow in biology, which being my procrastinating self I am just starting tonight. I don't think I'm going to tell anyone I know about this blog. Too risky. Anyway, and I have a lot of homework for my weekly math class that I am nearly failing. So I've decided to spend my time doing this.

I don't have any more time to spend doing this. I must be going now.

Simply known as girl.